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Building Construction & Materials

This module introduces us about the fundamentals of building construction and materiality selections. Studied in depth the principles of building elements involve substructure and superstructure, as well as the basic construction materials such as concrete, masonry, timber, metal, and glass. For each materials stated above, the process of manufacturing, properties and functions were also discovered. To practice the understandings of construction skills covered, assessments and assignments were assigned to supervise the progress throughout the semester. 

project 01

Project 01 _ Famous Architect’s building: Application of Architectural and Structural materials

In this project, I conducted a case study on the application of structural and architectural materials in a selected building of choice, in which I selected a work of SunnyHills by Kengo Kuma. Components including background studies, materiality concepts as well as orthographic drawings were composed into two A3 boards.

The exterior of SunnyHills is surrounded by the three-dimensional lattice structure, located in Tokyo. This project intended to translate the user into a modern Japanese forest in the heart of the city. The quality of the space is not only a visible intricate structure but also the smell of locally sourced cedar. The concept of this project was to further develop the idea of the diagonal structural system. the "Jigoku gumi" joinery system was suggested as the support of three floors building. Kengo Kuma & Sato san [ structural engineer ] evolved this joinery into a structurally much stronger joinery system. This adaptation shows an encounter between the traditional system and the contemporary structural system. The timber frames are intersected in 3-Dimensions as the sunlight reflects & diffused. this pattern of the frames will effectively cut the sunlight at a higher angle in the summertime [noon] and each geometry is a window frame that allows visitors to view the building's interior from outside.

project 02

Project 02 _ Construction Detailing of Building Elements

As a group, we were assigned to produce a set of orthographic drawing that showcase the construction process and details as well as elements on superstructure such as floor, wall, door, window, staircase and roof. We were required to search construction drawings for a two-storey terraced house in Malaysia and translated it into timber constructions. Through this process, it enhances my fundamental of construction knowledge, skills of producing appropriate orthographic drawings as well as discovered the purpose of each component of the building. 

©2022 by Hester Chang.

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