Design Communication
Through this module, I have learnt the basic understanding of architectural design by producing a series of drawings and models. These skills imply different means of visualization and communication of architectural idea, space and form. Although online learning is tough, I'm still able to achieve the completion of each assignments with the help of weekly tutorials. Appreciate my tutor, Dr illia for giving valuable feedbacks that allows me to improve further.
Take a moment to check out some of my works !
Architectural Graphics, Sketching & Tonal Values
T1 Self Expression
T2 Introduction to Tonal Values and Rendering
T3 Introduction to Architecture Lettering
T4 Exploring Coloring Media and Scale
A series of in-class exercises where I get to explore different types of rendering techniques, expressions of different building details, texture, proportion and architecture handwriting.
Project 1
Movie Poster
The illusion of hair is depicting my barriers, struggles and difficulties. There are two hands trying hard to face the problems. One injured and another one is fine with the company of gecko. Gecko symbolize energy and hope for rebuilding our own lives. Gecko represents my family and friends. I play piano to express my feelings and I love the coziness of home. An intuitive watercolour background painting to inspire magic occurs every day.
Project 2
Drawing and Models
Discover manual projection methods in architectural drawing emphasizing on architectural conventions, symbols and line quality. Produce 2D & 3D orthographic drawings of Farnsworth House.
2a: Model Making
2b: Orthographic Projections
2c: Axonometric Projections
2d: Perspectives
Project 3: Presentation Boards
Learnt how to compile and organize the content, presentation formatting and style of communication. Produce a presentation board manually, I have chose watercolor as my medium to express the landscape surround Farnsworth House.