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Architecture History and Theory


great temple ramesses ii.png
cathedral of florence.png

Discover the understanding of architectural theory through a consideration of intentions, concepts, patterns, disciplines, architectural language and contextual relationships.

Architecture History and Theory: Portfolio

Project 1:
Sketching Analysis

a research analysis on Stonehenge, Great Temple of Ramesses II, The Parthenon, The Cathedral of Florence and Chiswick House through sketching the construction details, literature review and documentation and diagram analysis based on the understanding gained through the analysis research.

Project 2 :
Analysis Report

A comparative analysis of two local heritage buildings : Chin Woo Stadium & Sunway pyramid and Lagoon. Familiarize with the activities of culmination and research analysis through composing and organization of study, assembly of illustration and text, design layout composition. I did my site context analysis and construction details through online resources due to covid.

Mid Term Exam & Quizzes

Appreciate the organized design of information and the interesting quizzes. Quizzes such as The cryptex and crossword. There are 3 badges need to achieve: The Bishop, The Knight, The Queen. These badges motivates me to complete all my tasks and gains satisfaction.

©2022 by Hester Chang.

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